Annual fundraiser 2018

Madrasah Nasihah is continuing its tradition of the Annual Fundraiser by initiating this amazing project once again giving pupils a chance to make a real difference in the world.

This year we are planning to help in the following causes in sha Allah:

  • Helping the needy across the world through basic necessities of life such as food packages for whole families, shelter and clean water.
  • Continuing our annual orphan sponsorships in the Balkans.
  • Funding a whole Madrasah in Albania through Rahma Mercy.
  • Raising money towards purchasing our own building for Madrasah Nasihah.
  • Resources for Madrasah Nasihah.
  • Assisting in local projects such as food banks & assisting the homeless.
  • Fund projects assisting the elderly and needy children locally and internationally.

Last year, collectively, the pupils at Madrasah Nasihah were able to raise over £27,000! Please see the posters below to see the difference you made.
